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Hermés Festival de Métiers

Did you know it takes over two years and more than 40 dedicated artisans to complete a Hermés scarf? Recently the fashion house hosted its Festival de Métiers, or “Festival of Crafts.” It highlights their talented artisans and honors their handmade tradition of luxury goods craftsmanship. “Nothing has changed in twenty years,” a veteran shirtmaker said at the London show.  

Printmakers screen scarves, some using up to 47 colors, which means 47 screens. Other craftspeople set diamonds for jewelry, work leather bags, or paint ceramic pieces. Hermés doesn’t outsource or replace humans for machines, so bringing its workshop to the public shows the level of skill, time and detail that go into the work - and also justifies the high price.  

The exhibit was most recently in Sydney Australia, presented in a contemporary setting designed by acclaimed Milanese industrial designer Paola Navone. Festival des Métiers has previously been exhibited in London, Shanghai, Beijing, New York and Paris.

See the video below of the artisans screenprinting at the Hermes Festival de Métiers at the Saatchi Gallery in London.

Festival de Métiers from PORT on Vimeo.




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